Card Reader Troubleshooting

Tips and Tricks!

Chromebook users, you may need to check your permissions in Chrome for the readers to be used, here is a google article to review:

Card readers do NOT work with iPads, Microsoft Surface, or any other tablet. PC and Mac only.

Everyone else:

1. Try plugging the card reader into another device, does it work? If yes, then it is a computer issue and we recommend you speak with your IT team.

2. Close out of the screen you are in and refresh the browser for your site and try swiping a card again.  We support most browsers, except for Internet

3. Check to make sure your credit card reader is in the correct mode. (See Instructions below!) This is also how you switch you existing Auction Tracker card readers to work with our MaxGiving sites!  If you are using a MAC, you will first need to complete the follow steps on a PC, then they will be able to be used properly on a MAC.

Adjusting your card readers mode:

First plug in the Credit Card Reader to the USB port on your computer then click on this link

This link will open a dropbox site on your browser

1. Click on the Download box

2. Select Direct Download.

3.  You will now see the download at the bottom of the browser screen, click on the arrow next to the file

4. Select Open                                    

5. A pop up will appear, in this popup if the 2nd box says HID you will want to click the Change Mode box, once you do you will now see ??? in the 2nd box. ***If the popup does not show, make sure you have your popup blocker turned off.

6. To check if it is correct follow the above instructions again and you should see this, if you do just click ok and you are ready to swipe.

7. Close and reopen browser with event website. 

Known non-compatible computers: Chromebook Acer C851-C9CF

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