In the Dashboard navigate to Manage Users > Communication and the first tab is Email Supporters.
You can change the From Email to your email address or the email you would want replies to go to, otherwise this message will be send from the noreply email.
Select Email Recipients who you would like to send the email message from the drop down list:
All Event Supporters: this will email everyone in your constituent list regardless of ticket or bidding status.
All Bidders: this will email only those that have been assigned a bid number.
All Ticketed Guests: this will email anyone that has a ticketed assigned to their user.
All Sponsors: this will email all individuals or businesses that have purchased a sponsorship.
All Auction Item Winners: this will email all auction item winners.
All Supporters with Donations: this will email all supporters that have made a donation.
All Supporters without Donations: this will email any supporters in the event list that did not make a donation in your event/campaign.
Registered Bidders without Bids: this will email anyone that has set a password for bidding, but not yet placed any bids in the online auction.
Subject: you must enter a subject for the email to send.
Body of Email is where you will type your message. You must enter body of text for email to send. If you are inserting an image - you must use the insert image icon, cutting and pasting directly into the email may cause errors in sending.
Insert: You can select these features to include bidder/guest information or specific links to pages on your site.
Preview your email before sending, which will give you an option to enter a single email address to send the email as a test.
Once you have checked your test email, click Send Now to send to all selected supporters.
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