Guest Details Section Via Guest Profile

Your guest can see their info and if you choose to allow them to, your guests can also update both their info and their guest info from their Guest Details Section in their online profile when they are logged into Mobile Bidding. **Not available in the My Simple Auction platform.

  Turning on this feature:

1. Toggle on the "Allow guests to update reservation details": You can find this under Event Management in the dashboard, then clicking on General Settings and selecting Advanced settings. On the advanced settings page you will see this toggle at the end of the option toggles list. **You can toggle this off when you have your event set and no longer want your guest making changes without your knowledge. ***Note that only the ticket purchaser can transfer a ticket.

Once this is toggled on it will allow your guests to return to the site using their login and make changes to their record and their guests' records. This works for single-ticket purchasers as well as whole tables and sponsorships.

Here is how it will work for your guests:

***The guest must have completed the online registration including creating a password.

Click on the Profile icon: Once they are logged in the guest can view their profile by clicking on the profile icon in the top right-hand corner.

My Information: 

They can see and edit their personal information.

   Guest Details:

In here guests will be able to complete tasks, such as transferring their ticket to someone else, edit/add entrée option, and updating contact information or changing guests they have purchased tickets for.  ***Note that only the ticket purchaser can transfer a ticket.

1. Transfer Ticket: By clicking this button your guest will be able to transfer their ticket to someone else if they are unable to attend. This keeps the sale of the ticket under the original purchaser but changes who is using the ticket.  ***Note that only the ticket purchaser can transfer a ticket.

-Your guest would just need to fill in the info they know for the new guest.
This will display Guest information such as ticket, guests they purchased, table assignment, and entree selection. There is a toggle in the General Settings> Advanced Settings tab where you can toggle on to "Allow guests to update reservation details" and guests will be able to complete tasks, such as transfer their ticket to someone else, edit/add entree option, and update contact information or change guests they have purchased tickets for.

2. My Guests: In this section, your guest can either update the info for their guest, like add a name or phone number or they can change the attending guest entirely. This works great for table/sponsorship purchasers who may not have known the name of their guests at the time of purchase.

3. Entrée Selection: Your guest can add or change their entrée choice from here.

My Statement:

Is where you will see your contributions and your won items, payments made and payments outstanding.

1.  You Donated: will show the cash donations/fund-a-needs/paddle raises.

2.  You Won:  will show all the Silent or Live Auction items won.

3. You Purchased:  will show all fixed price Item Sales, such as raffles and sign up parties.

Payment Methods:

This will show cards on file and allow you to add a card.

1.  Shows the card on file, and allows you to delete the card if necessary

2.  Allows you to add a new card.

Change Password:

Allows guest to change their password

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