Dessert Dash How-To

Managing a Dessert Dash in our system is quick an easy!  To start, you will simply add in Item For Sale to our system.

Select the Items for Sale page from the menu. 

To add an item Click the Add Items button at the top left of the table, this will open the add item form:

  1. Name: Enter the Name of the item in this text box. ie. Dessert Dash, Dessert Dash Donation, Etc.
  2. You can skip Donor Contact, Donor Display Name, Item Solicitor, Photo, Category, Description, Restriction, Price, Quantity, Fair Market Value, Limit Quantity Per Purchase and Custom Sales Questions.  This item will remain hidden and will manually be assign to the donors, so there is no need for this information.
  3. Checkboxes: Be sure to select Hidden and Unlimited  
    1. Hidden: items will not appear on the site at all
    2. Unlimited: items will have an unlimited quantity and will never 'Sell Out'.
  4. Select Submit to save this item.

Now that you have the item entered, you need to know how to 'sell' the desserts to your constituents after you have presented the Dessert Dash at your event.

Click on Items Sold under For Sale in the dashboard menu, then Select Item Sales Entry .  Once in the Items Sales Entry page, you will enter purchases in the form at the top of the page.

  1. Select the item you are selling from the list of available items.
  2. Enter the Bid Number of the guest purchasing this item or use the Search Bid# by Name feature..  **Guest info will populate in the box to the left, so confirm you have entered the correct number for the correct guest.
  3. Enter the Sale Price of the Dessert
  4. Enter Quantity of the item you are selling.  *This will auto populate at 1, and will normally be one for this process.
  5. Select Submit

Keep in Mind, if it important that you have the name of each dessert presented on statement, you could create an Item For Sale for each dessert

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