Linking Couples

The MaxGiving Software allows for you to link your guests into couples in the dashboard as well as allowing your guest to link themselves at the time of ticket purchase. Once a couple is linked you can choose whether or not you would like them the share a bid number. ***If you would like to turn on/off the request to link at time of ticket purchase, turn the toggle under Ticket Settings, then under guest options.

There are different pros and cons to sharing bid numbers here are somethings to think about when making this decision.

    Sharing a Bid Number 

    • Allows you to check both guests in at the same time
    • A card can be swiped under either the primary or the nonprimary
    • Able to print both names on labels
    • If doing Mobile Bidding, only the primary will receive text message updates and be the only person who will register.  
      • The nonprimary will log in to the site using the number and the password created by the primary user.  
      • **Keep this in mind when choosing who will be the primary.  
        • ***the nonprimary user will easily be able to see their winning bids using the app.

    Not Sharing a Bid number 

    • Able to print both names on labels.  **Since both guests will have separate bid numbers, card swiping would have to be done on both records, even if technically you are able to check both of them in at the same time. 
    • If doing Mobile Bidding, couples can compete against each other.

    You are able to check both guests in at the same time, since the couple is not sharing a bidding number, they will need to have a credit card swiped under both of their accounts.

    To Link a couple

    Using your admin login click on All supporters:

    1. Select either person in the couple you wish to link by clicking on the pencil next to their name
    2. Once in Contact Details, choose person you are wanting to link to from the drop down
    3. Select who is to be the Primary Account. **If one of these people is already registered and or has a credit card on file, they should be the primary account holder.
    4. You will then want to choose if they should share a Bid#

    ***Remember to click Save or Update

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