Setting Auction Times and Auction Settings

Our system allows you to set times for your auction types to open and close at differing times.  You can access this function from your dashboard by selecting Auction Settings. You have the ability to set one General time or multiple times. Bidding cannot happen unless the Opening Auction time and Close Auction times are set.

Online Auction Settings Tab

This is the time that the auction will open all items unless specific Auction Type times have been set under General Auction Settings.  Using the Owner/Admin login, click on the Dashboard button in the top right-hand corner of the screen. Select Auction Settings from the menu on the left-hand side of the screen, then select Online Auction Settings.  **Once these times have passed the text box will lock and you will no longer be able to adjust or change the date or time.

You have a few options to decide on prior to setting your event time

  • Require Registration to view the site:  This will require participants to complete their registration and login, prior to being able to view the site.
  • Hide bidder name in bid/sales history:  If you wish to give your donors some privacy for their activity on your site, you can toggle this option on to hide the bid (Auction Tab) and sales (Item Sales Tab) history.  This will NOT hide your donation history.
  • Hide Bid numbers from mobile bidders: This will hide a donor bid number from them, but will automatically allow them to view it when the auction time listed in your start Date/Time passes.

***Users on the MySimpleAuction platform will not have this feature under Auction Settings but are able to have their event date and time shown on their Ticketing Page.

Auction Time Settings

1. Auction Start Date/Time

This will be when your auction will open for all items.  Any items that have specific times set for their assigned Auction Type will not follow this time.  Make sure the years and am/pm (12am is Midnight) are correct!  **Remember if you are choosing a midnight closing, select 12am the following day.

2. Auction Close Date/Time

This time is important!  This is when your end of event text will deploy to all registered bidders (Unless you have 'Do NOT send closing text" selected, as in #4 above).  You will want to be sure the time for this is set to when you are ready for ALL items in the auction to be closed.  Any items that remain open will be closed at this time.  Make sure the years and am/pm (12am is Midnight) are correct! **Remember if you are choosing a midnight closing, select 12am the following day.

3. Display Auction Times on Homepage

Check this if you want your Auction Times Displayed on the Homepage.

4.Time Zone

Set your local time zone, so that your times chosen above will match.

5. Do Not Send Closing Text

Select this option, if you do not want closing text to go out at the end of event.

5. Pause Online Bidding

This feature can be used for manually pausing the auction.  Click on the button to pause, an update successful box will appear on the right hand side.  To un-pause click on the button, an update successful box will appear on the right hand.  ***This feature could be used while having your Live Auction - to allow everyone focus on the Live event, instead of worrying about their items in the Silent Auction.

7. Force Event Closed

This feature can be used for manually closing the auction when you are ready, rather than at a set specific time. Click the button and confirm the popup to close out the auction. All auction items will be marked as sold and the end of auction text will deploy to all registered bidders.

Online Auction Registration Settings

You will only see this section if you are using the Ticketing Add-On.  In this section you will be able to decide who gets access to your site.

1.  Allow registration by: This allows you to choose who is allowed into your site.

a. Ticketed and Non-ticketed Guests:  This allows both Ticketed and non-ticketed guests to enter your site.

b. Only Ticketed Guests:  This only allows guests who have purchased a ticket to view your site.

c. My Event will Not Have Tickets: Use this if you are not offering tickets for sale.

d. Allows your guests to continue with the site registration process 

Custom Registration Question

Use this section to enter registration questions that guests will be prompted to answer during their registration process.

1.  Select Add New.

2.  Type the question you would like to ask in the Question #1 box.

3.  Type of answer you would like it to be.

  • Text Box: will include a text box for a custom entry
  • Multiple Choice: They will choose from the options you provide. Type in the answers you would like your guests to choose from and click tab to add it as a choice.
  • Check box: Check the box for a choice you have given
  • Add New: Click here to add more questions. Repeat the last steps for each question you would like to add.

Event Wi-Fi

Use this section to give your guest the Wi-Fi information for your event.  It will show at the top of the site on your guest's mobile device only.

1.  Wi-Fi: In this text box put the Wi-Fi network your guest should be logging into.

2. Password: In this text box put the password the guests will need to login to the Wi-Fi

Customize Online Auction Registration Messaging - When allowing ticketed & non-ticketed guests

Use this box to message your guests during their registration process.  *This can be left blank.

General Auction Settings Tab

Auction Types have the ability to open or close those assigned items separate from the Online Auction Settings. An example of these might be Auction Types like Live, Silent, Super Silent, or Flash Sale.  You will still need to set the Online Auction time for the earliest and latest you will have an item open. Using the Owner/Admin login, click on the Dashboard button in the top right-hand corner of the screen. Select Auction Settings from the menu on the left-hand side of the screen, then select General Auction Settings.  

Auction Types

Adding a NEW Auction Type with specific open and close times

1.    Select Add Auction Type and type the name of the new auction type in Type Name.

2.    In the Auction Start Date/Time Box, select date and time from the pop up.  Leave this blank if you are planning to have this set of items open with the general settings for the auction. Make sure the year and am/pm (12am is Midnight) are correct! **Remember if you are choosing a midnight closing, select 12am on the following day.

3.    In the Auction Close Date/Time box, select date and time from the pop up.   Leave this blank if you are planning to have this set of items close with the general settings for the auction. Make sure the year and am/pm (12am is Midnight) are correct! **Remember if you are choosing a midnight closing, select 12am on the following day.

4.    Click the SAVE button and the Auction Type will now appear in the list.

Adding or editing the time for an existing Auction Type

1.  Click on the Edit Button (Pencil Icon) in the action column to the right of the one you want to edit.

2.  In the Type Name box will show the Auction Type you are editing will display.  Make changes/corrections, if needed.

3.  In the Auction Start Date/Time Box, select date and time from the pop up.  Leave this blank if you are planning to have this set of items open with the general settings for the auction. Make sure the year and am/pm (12am is Midnight) are correct! **Remember if you are choosing a midnight closing, select 12am on the following day.

4.  In the Auction Close Date/Time Box, select date and time from the pop up.  Leave this blank if you are planning to have this set of items close with the general settings for the auction. Make sure the year and am/pm (12am is Midnight) are correct! **Remember if you are choosing a midnight closing, select 12am on the following day.

5.  Click the UPDATE button to save changes.

6.The Delete button will only show if the Auction Type was deselected from all items.

Item Categories

Item Categories can be added when directly entering items, by choosing Add Category under Select Item Category. They can only be deleted or edited under Auction Settings.

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