Updating Guest Information

Click on the link sent to you in your conformation email or use the ticketing page URL for the event to return to the Ticketing Page.

Once tyou are on the ticketing page you will click on the Update Guest Info Button.

This will show you a popup where you can enter the Access Code from the email sent to you.

When the submit button is clicked your purchase record will open.

In you Purchase record you can add or edit both you info and your guest's info.

A. By clicking on this pencil you can update your info with correct phone, email or address. You can also make adjustments to your ticket, like giving it to someone else if you can not attend.

B. When clicking this pencil you will be able to edit/update the info for the guest that is holding the ticket at this time. You will be able to update the TBD name to the correct name as well as add their contact information.

C. By Clicking the Change Guest button you will be able to change who is holding this ticket. **This allows you to transfer a ticket to someone else..eg. a guest can no longer attend and someone will replace them.

**Your access code can be used as many times as needed, so you can return time and time again to make adjustments if needed.

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