Remove or Add a Processing Fee from a Guest’s Statement
You can add or remove the processing fee from a guest’s statement as needed. Here’s how:
- Go to Statements & Payments in the Dashboard menu.
- Find the guest whose fee you want to adjust.
- Check or uncheck the Fee Checkbox to either apply or remove the fee from their statement.
- Note: You can only apply the fee as 100% or not at all. If a payment has already been made and you need to remove the fee, you can log the fee amount as a donation and adjust the statement balance accordingly.
How to Remove or Add an Admin Fee from a Guest Statement
Using your admin login choose Statements and Payments from the Dashboard menu. Here you will be able to see if the supporter has opted into the fee or not. You can also choose to add or remove the fee from the statement by checking or unchecking the fee checkbox. **Remember to view whether a supporter has accepted the fee, they would have to have a contribution on their statement.
The fee can only be calculated as 100% or not at all. If a payment has already been made, and you wanted to remove the fee to charge a balance, you could take the fee amount paid on a previous payment and log it as a donation to make the statement balance.
Processing Fees Paid Tab
Under the Dashboard, Statements & Payments, All Payment Transactions, Process Fees Paid Tab