Bulk Auction Item Image Upload

Using Bulk Image Upload for Auction Items

Optimal suggested Auction images: 3:4 ratio

You can use this feature to quickly select one or many photos to upload directly to auction items.  ** This only works for Auction Items; bulk upload does not work for Sales Items or any other photos on the online platform.

  • In order for this to work seamlessly, make sure you have your photos named to correspond with the catalog number for the item. *Items without an assigned catalog number will be unable to participate in the Bulk Upload and will have to have photos entered manually.  
  • If you have more then one photo per item simply add a,b,c after the catalog number (example file names in image below).

To complete a Bulk Upload visit the  Dashboard using your admin login.  Select the Auction Items page from the Dashboard menu on the left hand side. Then click the Bulk Image Upload Button at the right top of the table.

First you will need to select how you will select your images for upload.  There are 2 methods:

  1. Single or Multiple:  Choose this and click on ‘Choose File’ to select a single photo or multiple photos to be uploaded.  In order to choose multiple files you will need to hold down the Ctrl key while clicking on your selected images.
  2.  Folder: Choose this and click ‘Choose Folder.’. Selecting folder, will give you the option to select an entire folder from your computer to upload.  

When complete with your selection of image files or entire folder of images, Click Upload to complete the upload. You will see the photos as they upload and when complete you will see the green Upload successful notification appear in the top right hand corner.

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