Upload Contact List

To upload a list of your supporters' names and contact information, use the Upload Contact List Feature found under the Dashboard > Manage Users > All Supporters.

Creating your Spreadsheet using the Template 

1. Click on the Spreadsheet Template link under the upload Contact List 

2. The document will download for you to open, usually on the bottom left of your screen

3. Open spreadsheet template with Excel or Sheets.

4. Enter or arrange your information, in the order of the template. Rsvp Level Column - write in Paid Guest if you want to create a bidder. Golver - type Yes.

Save the Spreadsheet and Upload data

1. Save the spreadsheet where you will find it, you can rename if you like or keep the default name. The Save As type defaults to CSV (comma delimited), leave as default, and save your file.

2. Go to the Upload Contact List 

3. Find your file and Open

4. When done successfully, you will get a green upload successful message on top right of your screen.

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