Transfer Data Back to Auction Tracker (End of Event)

If your event is complete, you have ran all your charges and are ready to send the event data back to your Auction Tracker do these 3 steps.

1. First you will want to make sure that you have removed any activity under the owner/admin login on your MaxGiving site. Remember these were done for placeholder purposes only and should not be part of the data transfer to Auction Tracker. **Take note if any of these will need to be added manually to guests in Auction Tracker after the transfer. 

2.  You should also make sure you have completed all your payments online, check under both the outstanding tab and the overages tab on the Statements & Payments page for any issues before proceeding- otherwise you will need to resolve them manually in Auction Tracker after the transfer.

3. If you have done these things and are ready, please send an email to, let us know you are ready and we will go ahead and handle the process for you. **If you are not on the cloud with us please include a backup of your Auction Tracker data. Help guide for pulling backup:

There are a few rules when using Auction Tracker with a MaxGiving Site:

  • ALL guest and sponsorship sales must be either within Auction Tracker OR on the MaxGiving site. You can not do both. If you log guests in Auction Tracker that also buy tickets online, this will create duplicates records for that guest when it is sent back to Auction Tracker.
  • IF you choose to do your guests/sposnsorship sales in Auction Tracker and you have us transfer the guests over from Auction Tracker WITH bid numbers already assigned, then you can not change those bid numbers once transfer to the MaxGiving site.
  • You may not change the catalog numbers of Auction Items sent from Auction Tracker. They MUST remain the same you can not change them once they have been sent to the online site.
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