Custom CSS or Banner Size

Customizing dimensions for banner size: You can choose any size for your banner, please note larger heights will take up more of the page. We recommend keeping to the sizes 900x200, 900x300, 1200x300, 1600x200 or 1600x300 these suggested sizes will optimize best on mobile.  Also important to keep in mind that banner images that include text should be  checked on mobile to ensure text is not too small of font to read, since everything will be smaller. 

You will find the area to set the banner size on the General Setting Tab:

Custom CSS:  If you have someone working on the site that is familiar with CSS, you can have support open the custom CSS box for them to use.  There are some items on the site that can be changed using CSS (coding), not all things are customizable however some items are hard coded into the site. You will find the CSS boxes on the General Settings page under the Advanced Setting tab:

*Remember to always click Save when done.

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