Duplicating an Auction Item

Sometimes it is convenient to quickly duplicate an Auction Item. There are many things this can be helpful for, an Item being sold on the spot twice, a donor sending multiples of the same item, or consignment items that can be sold many times.  If you find need to make a copy of an item you have already entered it is easy to do.  Using your admin/owner login click on Auction Items in the dashboard.

1. Find the item in the Item list, by searching for Catalog#, or Item Name

2. Click on the Duplicate button to the far right of the Item please note that Packages can not be duplicated - you must duplicate each individual item and then repackage.

3. In the pop-up mark how many more copies of this item you would like 

4. Click Confirm

Once you have created the copies you will want to give them a Catalog number so they can be sold.  

To do this on the Auction Items page:

1. Find the new copies of the item. Searching by name is the fastest way to find them, alternatively, they go to the bottom of all items.

2.  Once you find the item you can then add the Catalog Number in the text box to the left of the item name.  Make sure you tab out of the text box to save the Catalog number. You can not use letters or (.) period after catalog#.

**Remember if you do not want to sell these copies online you will need to click on the hidden check box.

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