Splitting an Auction Item Purchase

Often times at an event someone will want to split the cost of an Auction item.  In the MaxGiving software this is an easy thing to do, you will want a list of the Bid numbers for the guests before you begin.  Using your admin/owner login you will want to click on Dashboard/Auction Items/Winning Bidders from the dashboard menu. 

Once on the Winning Bidders page:

1. Find the Item in the list you would like to split by using the Search Bar Area

2. Click on the Split Item button to the far right of the item

3. In the Split Item pop-up, you will need to choose how you would like to split this item

a. Evenly Amongst all Bidders: This will give an equal portion of both the sale price and the FMV to each guest

  • Enter the Number of Bidders that will be splitting this item
  • Enter each Guest's bid number in the allotted boxes
  • Click on Submit Changes

b. Split with Specific Amounts: This will allow you to choose the amount each person will be paying.  The system will then figure out what percentage of the FMV that guest will have allocated on their statement.

  • Enter the Number of Bidders that will be splitting this item
  • Enter each Guest's bid number in the allotted boxes
  • Enter the amount for that bidder in the accompanying Bid Amount box 
  •  Click on Submit Changes

Splitting an item this way will show on the statement as well as the item pickup receipt that the item has been split.  It will also split the FMV keeping the statement and accurate tax receipt. 

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