Navigating the Auction

Clicking on the Auction Tab will bring you to the Auction items page where you will be viewing all auction items.  

How to View Items:

Items will automatically be displayed in numerical order based on catalog number.  As items are sold, they will drop to the bottom of the list.  Items individually marked with a “Preview Only” flag are items that are not open for bid until a later date. A larger “Items for Preview Only” flag at the top of the Auction Page would indicate the auction has not yet opened, you should refer to the Auction Home page for auction opening dates and times.  

There are a few ways to filter and sort the items for your viewing ease.

The Quick Sort Buttons:

1.  Items Button:  This shows all items available in the auction. If you navigate away from all items simply click the Items Button and you will return to the all items view.

2.  My Bids: This shows all items you have placed a bid on.  When the event closes, this will change to My Items and will display all items clearly labeled with ‘You Won’ or ‘You Lost.’

3.  My Favorites: Keeping track of your favorite items is easy, when you find an item you like simply click the heart in the right corner of the image.  You can do this both on the browsing page and on the item details page. To find your favorite items simply click on the My Favorites Button on the top of the Auction Page.

Filter Options:

4.  Category List:  You can use this feature to sort items by the items' characteristics, eg. Entertainment, Food, sports, etc. To use this click on Category and choose the category you would like to view from the drop-down menu.  **If you would like to go back to viewing all items simply click the Items Button at the top of the page or you can click the “X” next to the category you have chosen to remove that sort.

5.  Filter Funnel:  You can use this feature to sort items by their auction type.  To use this click on Filter and choose the auction type you would like to view from the drop down menu. From here you can also choose to see only items with no bids.  Some auction types may have different opening and closing dates and/or times so please refer to the Auction Home page for that info. **If you would like to go back to viewing all items simply click the Items Button at the top of the page or you can click the “X” next to the auction type you have chosen to remove that sort.

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