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Item Certificates: Status, Reports & Printing

Adding or editing Certificate Redemption Instructions and/or Certificate status is done while adding your Auction Items Learn more about adding Auction Items

1. Certificate Redemption Instructions for Winner, only print on the certificate.  These are the instructions you would not want to be included in the Description or Restriction of the auction item, such as the person they will need to contact's phone number or email address.

2.  Certificate Status

a. None - leave as default for tangible items

b. Certificate Needed - select if you will need to create the certificate

c. Item has Certificate - select if the organization donating the item has given you a certificate.

There are 3 options, 2 reports, and the ability to print certificates when using the Item Certificates Button in Event Resources. To get here go to  Dashboard, Reports, Event Resources, and Item Certificates

1. List of items that need certificates: This will pull a report showing all items that have had "Certificate Needed" selected. This report is helpful when printing certificates from the system, see below for how to print certificates.

2 List of items that have certificate: This will pull a report that shows all items marked with "Item has Certificate", meaning the donor has given you a certificate. This report is nice when preparing for item pick up.   

3. Print Item Certificate: This will allow you to either print certificates for all items marked "Certificate Needed" or print one item at a time.  **Items packaged together that contain more than one certificate will print each individual item certificate, with the appropriate package catalog number.

a. All Items Needing Certificates: This will print a certificate for all items that have been marked "Certificate Needed". 

b. Enter Catalog Number: From here you can choose to print just a certificate for any item with a Catalog number whether or not it has been marked "Certificate Needed" one at a time. Once you select this option, you will be prompted with a textbox to enter the Catalog number. Enter the Catalog number and click print.

Sample of Certificate. **These will print in the color scheme of your event site. 

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