Adding a Donation or Item Sale at Check-Out

Sometimes a guest would like to “round up” their purchase with a donation, or they may want to add an Item like a centerpiece to their statement at the time of checkout.  These types of things are easy to do for your guest in the software from their statement. 

To do this you will need to start in the Event Statements page, using your Admin Login click on Event Statements in the dashboard menu on the left hand side.

Find your guest in the list of purchasers, then:

1. Click the Receipt Icon next to the name of the guest,  this will take you to the guest’s statement.2. Inside of the Guest's Statement, you will see two buttons at the top.

a. Add Donation: When clicking this button you can add on a donation of any amount. In the popup select the amount the guest would like to give from the predetermined amounts or use the custom Amount textbox to enter any amount you would like. ***This feature is nice to use if a guest would like to “round up” to a certain total.

b. Add Item: When clicking this button you can add on to the guest statement any multi sale item that you have available in the system. In the Item sale popup select the item you want to sell the guest from the list on the left hand side, the sale price will auto populate, then add in the quantity you would like to sell the guest.  Don’t forget to click Submit.  ***This is nice for things like centerpieces or extra wine at the end of an event. 

Once you have added the donation/item(s) to the guests statement you can continue on with processing their payment. Help guide for Processing single payments:

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