General Event Settings - My Simple Auction Platform

                General Settings       Advanced Settings       

                  This is where you will set all of the overall event settings. To get here with your Admin Login, click on  General Settings under the Event Management section in the dashboard menu on the left-hand side. 

                  You will notice this page has 3 Tabs:  General Settings, and Advanced Settings.

                  **Always Click SAVE at the bottom after any additions or changes.

                  General Settings Tab

                  Organization & Event Information: This is the general information for both your organization and the event and is required to be completely filled in (logo included) if you want to send statements from this site. It also is used to populate different messaging throughout the site, in emails and transaction receipts, it is the number a bidder calls when they need to contact you.

                  1. Organization Name: Enter the legal name of the Organization.

                  2. Event Name: Enter the name of this event.

                  3. Contact Phone: Enter the phone number you would like your guest to use to contact you should they have a question.

                  4. Contact Email: Enter the email address you would like your supporters to look for correspondence from you.

                  5. Tax ID: will reflect the Tax ID used for the purchase of software, and what is used on the Merchant account.

                  6. Tax Status: Use the drop-down menu to select the type of tax status the organization carries.  You can choose from 501(c)3, 501(c)4 or other.

                  7. Address:  This is the organization's address.

                  8. Organization Logo: Use this to upload your Organizations logo to show on receipts, this logo should be a jpg or png.  Click here for instructions on how to Upload Photos:

                Organization Weblinks (Social Media Links): Use this section to share your organization's social media outlets.

                **Always remember to click the SAVE button when adding or making changes to any of these sections.

                Registration Settings: 

                1. Open event site only for ticketing: Toggling this on will take your guest straight to the ticketing page when they enter your URL.

                2. Automatically assign bid numbers when tickets guests are added: Have bid numbers auto assign to bidders that register.

                Design Settings: This is where you will choose the colors for your site, as well as add your banner.

                1. Pick your Main Color: You can use this to customize your page to match your Organization's colors or that of your event. This box is for the main color, when you click on this box it brings up a pop up in this pop up you can either enter the Hex Color code for the color you would like or you can choose a color from the color wheel.

                2. Pick Your Secondary Color:  You can use this to customize your page to match your Organization's colors or that of your event. This box is for the secondary or accent color, when you click on this box it brings up a pop up in this pop up you can either enter the Hex Color code for the color you would like or you can choose a color from the color wheel.

                3. Pick Your Background Color: You can use this to customize your page to match your Organization's colors or that of your event.  This will change the background of the entire site. When choosing this color be mindful of the viewing ease to your guests and that you will need to adjust your font color in the text rich boxes through the site to keep text readable.

                12. Pick Your Font Color:  You can use this to customize your page to match your Organization's colors or that of your event.  This will change all of the coded text color on the site.  This is helpful if you are using a darker color background. When choosing this color be mindful of the viewing ease to your guests and that you will need to adjust your font color in the text rich boxes through the site if you want them to match this color.

                13. Event Banner: This banner will be at the top of all the pages.  The size of the banner can be adjusted to your liking.    **It is suggested you adjust the size of the banner you will be placing to avoid stretching out your banner.  To upload your banner simply click the Upload button and use our photo pop up to choose your graphic. In this pop up the crop feature will help to get the uploaded photo to the optimal size, however you can skip this step by clicking the Skip button and it will pad the image with white space so that it is optimized to fit the space. Keep in mind when creating your banner that text in the banner may be to small to be read on a mobile device, you should always check the banners over all look on both computer and mobile device. **For help with Uploading a photo click here:

                14. Site Welcome Message:  You can use this as a greeting for visitors to the site. This message will appear at the top of the homepage.  To use this feature click on the text box and enter your message.  Keep in mind that long messages will take up more space on your homepage on a mobile device.

                  Administration Fee:  This can be a fee used to offset some of the cost associated with the running of the event (most commonly credit card processing).  If you choose to offer this, whether required or optional, a message will be populated at registration for bidders to either accept (if required) or opt-in (if optional).

                  1. Required, Optional and None:  This is where you choose how you would like this fee handled.

                  a. Required: You can require it to be added to all guests by clicking Required.   If you choose required, you will then need to choose what the fee applies to by selecting either All Auction Activity or Items Only.  All Auction Activity includes auction items, item sales and donations or choosing Items Only will only include the fee on auction items and item sales (will dis-include donations from the fee)

                  b. Optional: You can allow your guest to choose to accept the fee by choosing Optional.

                  c. None: If you don’t want to have a fee at all just select None.

                  2. Fee Name: You can choose how you would like to refer to this fee, eg. Processing Fee, Credit Card Processing Fee, Administration Fee. Enter the name for this fee in the text box.  It is important that you enter a fee name here, as this will be used to populate messaging for the registration page, as well as displayed on statements for supporters.

                  3. Fee Percentage:  Enter in this text box the percentage you would like to charge participants. **This is a required field if you are setting fees to Required or Optional.

                  4. Administration Fee: Choose what you would like the fee taken on:

                • All Fundraising Activity: This will charge the fee on all purchases made in during the event.
                • Auction Items Only:  This will charge the fee on  Auction Items only (excludes donations)

                ***Always remember to click the SAVE button when adding or making changes to any of these sections

                  Fundraising Goal:  Using the thermometer is a great way to keep your guests up to date with how the fundraising efforts are going at any given time in the event.
                  1. Thermometer Goal:  This will be the Goal that you set for your event.  Enter the whole dollar amount of your event goal in this field with no commas ",".  If this is set to $0 or left blank, the thermometer will not appear on your site.
                  2. Thermometer Displays:  This lets you decide what page your thermometer is shown on and what is used to calculate the amount raised toward your goal.  
                    • All Fundraising Revenue, will show the thermometer on all pages and include sales from all components; all current or winning bids in the auction, donations and item sales.  
                    • Donation Page Only, will show the thermometer on only the donations page and will only include donations in the number calculated for the thermometer.
                    • You can also include income from ticketing/sponsorships , by clicking the box.

                ***Always remember to click the SAVE button when adding or making changes to any of these sections

                Advanced Settings Tab

                  Sales Tax Rates:  This section allows you to select if you would like to charge your guests sales tax. You can have multiple tax rates, just follow the steps below for each rate.  **You will assign these taxes to the item in the edit page for Auction item or the item for sale.

                    1. Tax Rate Name: Fill in what you would like this tax referred to as.
                    2. Tax Rate Percent: The percentage you would like to charge.
                    3. Applies To:  What items you would like taxed?  Selected Items allow you to add it to selected items on the site.
                    4. Based On:  You can choose whether to charge tax on the bid price or on the Value.
                    5. This is where your tax rates go when added, click on Edit to make changes or Delete if you no longer need it.

                   *Make sure to click the SAVE Button.

                  Include Custom Footer on Guest Statement:  Use this box to thank your guests with a personal message on their event statement by entering your message in this box.  This is where you can enter your organizations special needs for Tax jargon on event statements.**This can be left blank.

                  ***Remember to click the SAVE button

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