Requesting Purchaser Update Guest Names/Information

MaxGiving has the ability to have your sponsors or multi-ticket purchasers return to the site and update their guest info once they know who will be using those tickets or if they have changes to their guests. This is done with an Access Code (this code can be used multiple times so updates can be made) on the ticketing page and there are a few ways the purchaser can be sent this code.

To use this feature you will need to toggle it on. To do this use the dashboard menu to select Ticket Settings, then you will see the toggle for this feature at the top. You can turn this on and off, so when the event is closed and you no longer want your guest to be able to make changes you can toggle it off.

Allow guests to update reservation details: Send Code At The Time of Purchase (Automatically)

If you Toggle the feature on, the purchaser will receive their access code automatically, it will be included in their purchase confirmation email. **This will not happen if the feature is toggled off, the purchaser will just get a confirmation email without the code.

***This is what the Auto Process will look like for the purchaser.

From the ticket page, they will choose the ticket/sponsorship they would like to purchase. Then once they complete their info they will be asked about their guest info, if they choose TBD, they will be shown a message explaining they will be receiving a code to return to this site and update guest info.

Then once they complete their purchase, they will be sent a confirmation email that will include instructions and the code to use when they return to update their guest's info.

**See Below for how the purchaser updates guest info.

Resend After Purchase

If you need to resend the purchaser their code, click on All Supporters in the dashboard menu, then find the purchaser in All Supporters list.

Once you find the guest in the list click on the Edit Pencil to the far right, this will open the purchaser's record.

In the Purchaser's record, you will click on the Additional Guest Reservations tab at the top and then click on the Request Guest Information button.

You will then be given a pop-up where you can edit the email that will be sent. **Remember you do not want to change the link or access code. However, you are welcome to put in your email in the From, so all questions can easily be sent to you.

Click on Send when you have made all your changes. Your purchaser will receive the email with the link and instructions to return to the ticketing page to edit their guest list.

When Your Purchaser Returns to Update Guest List or make Changes

Your guest will have clicked on the link in the email or used the ticketing page URL to return to the Ticketing Page.

Once they are on the ticketing page they will click on the Update Guest Info Button.

This will show them a popup where they will enter the Access Code from the email sent to them.

When the submit button is clicked their purchase record will open.

In their Purchase record they can add or edit both their info and their guest's info.

A. By clicking on this pencil they can update their info with correct phone, email or address. They can also make adjustments to their ticket, like giving it to someone else if they can not attend.

B. When clicking this pencil they will be able to edit/update the info for the guest that is holding the ticket at this time. They will be able to update the TBD name to the correct name as well as add their contact information.

C. By Clicking the Change Guest button they will be able to change who is holding this ticket. **This allows your guest to transfer a ticket to someone a guest can no longer attend and someone will replace them.

Here is a link to a help guide your purchaser can use:

**Their access code can be used until you disable the feature, so your purchaser can return time and time again to make adjustments if needed.

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