Printing Auction Bid Sheets and Table Display

Quick description of the different printables:

  • Bid Sheet(s): Sheet where bids can be placed on an item. ***These can be printed with or without amount, with or without buy now, and with or without descriptions.
  • Winning Bid Sheet Copy: These are meant to be used at an in-person event, where you print them (they are blank), and leave them behind the bid sheet.  Then before you remove the bid sheet for entering into the system you would fill out this sheet to leave on the table (or attached to the item), to assist with item pick up.
  • Table Top Display SheetsThese are used to let your guests know what is included in the package.  These can be printed with or without FMV, with or without a QR code (not available on the MSA Platform), and with or without Images.
  • Live Bid Sheet: These are used to record the winner of your live auction items as they are sold from the stage.

Silent Auction Items Bid Sheets, Live Auction Items Bid Sheets with winning Bidder signature line, and Table Displays can be printed from the site.  You find them by clicking on Event Resources in the Dashboard Menu.  Then click on Auction Bid Sheets & Forms.

To Print Bid Sheet(s) for Auction Item(s):

  1. Choose from the Dropdown what items you are printing for:
    1. All Items - selection would print bid sheets for all of your Silent Auction Items.
    2. Select Auction Type - selection would print by a specific Auction Type.
    3. Enter Catalog Number - selection would print a single item. *Keep in mind if you have not assigned an item a catalog number, the Bid Sheet will not be available.

  2. Check the box for Leave Bid Amounts Blank, if you want guests to fill out bidding increments.
  3. Check the box for Exclude Buy Now Option, if you do not wish to offer a buy it now option (guaranteed bid option).
  4.  Check the box for Include Description & Restriction, if you wish to have the description and restriction printed on the top of the bid sheet. **See below for an example.
  5. Check the box for Print  for Items, if you would like to have a sheet with Catalog #, Name, Winning Bidder and Winning Amount to leave at the Auction item Tables. ***These are meant to be used at an in-person event, where you print them (they are blank), and leave them behind the bid sheet.  Then before you remove the bid sheet for entering into the system you would fill out this sheet to leave on the table (or attached to the item), to assist with item pick up.

When you click Print, a separate box will open where you can view your Bid Sheet(s) before printing.

***Bid Sheet Samples:  The bid sheets will accommodate bid stickers.

No Buy it Now

With Description & Restrictions & Buy it Now

Winning Bid Sheet Copy

To Print Auction Item Display Sheets:

Select Print Table Top Display Sheets for Auction Items

  1. Choose from Dropdown what items you are printing for:
    1. All Items - selection would print bid sheets for all of your Silent Auction Items.
    2. Select Auction Type - selection would print by a specific Auction Type.
    3. Enter Catalog Number - selection would print a single item. *Keep in mind if you have not assigned an item a catalog number, the Auction Item Display sheet will not be available.

  2. Check the box to Exclude Fair Market Value if you do not want your guests to see the Value for Items printed on Display Sheets
  3. Check the box Exclude Images from display if you do not want your first two images to appear on the display sheet. **This is good if you are doing them in black and white only.
  4. Check the box to Include the QR code if you would like that items QR code to print on the table display. The QR can be scanned by a phone and  it will open up the site to the item they are viewing setting them up to bid on that item. **This is for online/mobile bidding platforms.

When you click Print, a separate box will open where you can view your Display Sheet(s) before printing

**Display Sheet Sample:

Without FMV and Without Images

With FMV and QR Code

Without Images

To Print Live Bid Sheet(s): These are often called recording sheets

  1. Select Print Live Auction Items Signature Worksheets
  2. From the Dropdown choose what you are printing:
    1. All Items - selection would print bid sheets for all of your Silent Auction Items.
    2. Select Auction Type - selection would print by a specific Auction Type.
    3. Enter Catalog Number - selection would print a single item. *Keep in mind if you have not assigned an item a catalog number, the Live Bid sheet will not be available.

When you click Print, a separate box will open where you can view your Live Bid Sheet(s) before printing

Live Bid Sheet Sample:

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