Post Event Reports

Post Event Reports are found under Dashboard, Reports, Post Event Reports.

There are 4 sections of Post Event Reports, Guest Analysis, Auction & Item Sale Analysis, Donation Analysis and Financial Reports. 

1.  Guest Analysis Reports:

A.  Donor Contribution Summary: Exportable report that outlines each donors participation, broken out by category (Donations, Auction, Item Sales, Tickets, Sponsorships). ***Click the Download Donor Summery button in the top right hand corner to download in an excel format. Download also includes guest contact information.

B.  Detailed Guest Contribution Report: Coming Soon

C. Guest Contributions by Table: Coming Soon

D. Guest Contributions by Sponsor: Coming Soon

E. Guest Attendance Reports: Snapshot report of guests that did and did not attend the event, with Bid number, Table Name and Ticket Purchaser. The Guest Attendance Report is a great tool to show you all of your constituents and whether they attended the event or did not attend the event.  ***It is important to remember, this is decided by whether the guest was checked in or not.

2.  Auction & Item Sales Analysis Reports:

F. Auction Items Sold vs FMV: Snapshot of how much over FMV an items sold for. This report shows FMV, Sold At Price and the Yield percentage.

G. Item Category Sales Analysis: Snapshot of the items for sale, drilling down to how many of each were sold, at what price, FMV, yield percentage and percentage of all items sold.

H. A uction Type Sales Report: Snapshot of each auction type, how many items, how many sold, FMV, total sold value and the yield percentage. ***This report only count Auction Items with at Catalog number.

I. Auction Items Sold at Buy Now: Snapshot of each auction item that was sold at the Buy Now level, including the FMV for comparison.

3.  Donation Analysis

J. Donations Level Report: Snapshot report that outlines each donation level, number of donors at that level and the total revenue of each level.

K . Donor Report by Table: Snapshot of each table and the assigned guests donations per person, and totaled by table. **This only shows donations, no other sales.

L. Donor Report by Sponsor: Coming Soon

4.  Financial Reports

M. Financial Reconciliation Report : Allows an organization to see all transactions individually over the entire event, or a specified date range.  This is an EXTREMELY helpful article when trying to reconcile your bank statements and deposits to your event. **This report is in an excel format.

N. Tax Collection Reports: Coming Soon

O. Admin Fee Report: Coming Soon

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