Account Options for your site

There are 4 types of Admin Accounts for your site:

Owner:  There can only be one Owner per site.  This user will have access to all of the site as well as the Manage Account section of the dashboard which includes adding additional admin users, unlocking/resetting passwords, and setting up notifications. ***For more information on Owner Login Features or Owner tools:

Admin: This user has access to the entire Admin dashboard and all functionality that the Owner account has access to.  The only section they will not have access to is the Manage Account section of the dashboard.

Reg: This user will have limited access to the dashboard menu, hopefully making their limited use of the site as easy as possible for finding the modules they will be using.  This type of user, short for Registration, is great for volunteers handling check-in or check-out.  See the image below for the Reg Users Dashboard Menu.

Kiosk:  The Kiosk user does not have access to the dashboard, instead they have expanded bidding capabilities on the front end of the website.  This user has the ability to place bids for guests by entering the bid number to place a bid.  This user type is great for volunteers, who may be walking around the event helping guests who may not have access to their device for online bidding or for volunteers selling items. Additionally, you could choose to have a Kiosk Bidding Station, with iPads for guests to use themselves.  When bidding in Kiosk mode, they will enter their bid number, and then a confirmation screen with the bid number and name of the bidder will pop up for them to confirm before the bid is placed.  Learn more about kiosk:

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