Owner Login Features
With your Owner login you have access to the to the Manage Account section, in here you will
1. add/edit Admin users,
2. unlock and reset users and
3. set notifications:
1. Admin Users: Here you can add, edit or disable admin users.
a. Owners information: This will show the login information for the owner account
c. Admin User List: Once you have created an admin login you will want to email the login link to them, you can do this one of 2 ways:
i. Email Link button: this will automatically send an email with the link needed to set the password to the email on file for the admin
ii. Copy Login Link Button: Click on this and it will copy the link for you to paste into an email to the admin user, this will allow them to set a password by clicking on this link.
*This is not for adding guests to your site, you will want to add guests in the Guests & Registered Bidders page.
2. Unlock & Reset Users: Here you are able to unlock a guests account and/or resend them the password link.
a. Search for user either by name, phone or email.
b. Resend login link: If a guest needs to reset their password you can click on the "Copy Login Link" button to copy the link then paste this link in the email you will send. This link can be used for the following:
- Sending this link directly to your guest/bidder who is having difficulties registering, It creates their account for them and creates a password link so that they can skip the registration step.
- If a guest is saying they aren’t getting the text to reset their password, you can copy this link and send it directly to the guest/bidder.
c. Unlock: Click this button to unlock a guests account . If a user is Locked - find the user by searching for name, phone number, or email and click unlock, then click Confirm. ***If the user can not seem to figure out the forgot password, you could send them a Login Link after unlocking them (see above), which will take them directly to the password reset page.