Managing Waitlist

You can Manage your Waitlist on the   Reservation & Sponsorship page, Dashboard>Event Tickets>Reservations & Sponsorships.

Once on the page, you click on the Manage Waitlist Button.

In the popup you will see your Waitlist:

  1. Guest Name:  This column will show you all the guests on your waitlist.  This will list these guests in order of being added to the Waitlist - 1 being the first, and 5 being the last. In the ( Parenthesis) you will see what Ticket they are on the waitlist for if you have more than one waitlist.
  2. Guest Email:  This column will show the email of your guest.
  3. Guest Phone Number: This column will show your Guest's phone number
  4. Add To Guests Button: Clicking the Add to Guests will open up a separate dialog box asking you to confirm. This will add this guest to your guest list with the RSVP level they were on the waitlist for. Remember once you do this you will want to process a payment or invoice the guest. Invoicing Guests or Making one-time Payment

When add is done successfully you will get a green flag message like this:


If you get this error:

***This error means you need to double check you have or have added space to the ticket level or you will get an error message 

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