Adding Items for Sale (Multi Sale Items)

This is for adding Items for Sale (multi sale) directly to your site.    **If you are using Auction Tracker in conjunction with your online site these will need to be entered into Auction Tracker first and sent over, click here:

To add an Item for Sale:

Select the  Items for Sale page from the menu. **If you would like to hide the Item Sales tab while you are working on it you can do that by Toggling on the Hide Item Sales Tab slide at the top of the Items for Sale.   While you have the tab hidden you can use Preview Item SalesPage to see what your page will look like without opening it to your guests.

  ***MySimpleAuction Platform does not support Items Sales page going live for guests.

To add an item Click the  Add Items Button at the top left of the table, this will open the add item form:

1. Name: Enter the Name of the item in this text box.

2. Donor Contact: Select the Donor from the dropdown by clicking on the down arrow in the next box

3. Donor Display Name: Type the name you would like seen if different than the saved Donor name.  You can use this feature to recognize more than one donor.

4.Item Solicitor: Type the name for the person who got this item for your organization.

5. Photo: To add a Photo click on the blue Upload. You can only add 1 Photo to items.  **For more help on adding photos click here:

6. Select Sales Category: select to choose what category you would like this sales reflected.

7. Description Box is where you will include information to describe the item. This is a Rich Text box,  you can format text and add additional photos or video to help describe the item. **For more information click here:

8. Restriction: In the Restriction box you can use text to let your guest know what restrictions the item may have, for example, expiration dates.

9. Price: Enter the item sale price.

10. Quantity: Enter the Quantity for Sale. **You must at least offer 1 and if it is unlimited just use a large number like 10000.

11. Fair Market Value: Enter the Fair Market Value. 

12. Limit Quantity Per Purchase: You can use this box to list the amount of this item that can be purchased in one sale.  **If you do not wish to limit this just leave this box blank.

13. Checkboxes: There are different ways to present your item;  

  • Available for pre-sale: item is available for sale on-site - good to use for pre-selling Raffle tickets.
  • Hidden: items will not appear on the site at all
  • No longer available: Hide the item when sold out or you no longer wish to have item available.
  • Preview Only: items will appear but will not be available for bidding until this setting is removed
  • Feature: items will appear in the feature section (top of the page) of your auction tab.  Only 6 items can be featured at once, including auction items and items for sale.
  • Hide Purchase History: Stops others from seeing who has purchased any of the items.
  • Unlimited: items will have an unlimited quantity and will never 'Sell Out'.

***  To have Item Sales available for sale on Ticketing and Sponsorships tab - Follow these instructions:

To make these selections for an item, click the check box for your choice.  

14.  Custom Sales Question: You can use this feature to ask a question of the guest purchasing this item.   ***Good for asking shirt sizes.  To add a question click on Add New, then: 

a. Question: Enter a question you want to ask.

b. Answer Type:  Choose the type of answer: 

  • Text Box:  enables guests to enter varied answers
  • Checkbox:  Adds a check box for guests to select.
  • Multiple Choice:  allow guests to choose from a predefined group of answers.
    • The Add options will appear when chosen.  Enter the answer and use your tab key and enter the next answer(s)

c.  Answer Required: If you would like it to be required to answer this question when a guest purchases this item check the box.

15.Sales Tax Rates: select if this item has sales tax.

16.Save or Update

Always make sure you click the Green Submit Button after you add or make any changes to this page.

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