Online Item Donations

This feature allows you to accept item donations through your site.  This will have your guest fill out all necessary information including photos of the item.  Once submitted you can choose whether or not to add the item to your Auction.

To setup this feature for use:

Using your Admin Login, select Online Item Donations from the Dashboard menu.

Once in the Online Item Donations Page:

  1. Allow Online Item Donations: By toggling on this switch the Donate Items button will be added to the home page and ticket page (if applicable), to allow guests to make item donations.
  2. Donation Information:  In this Text rich box you can add information or instruction for your donating guest or a reason as to why your guest would want to donate. This information shows at the top of the Donation Form. **Click here if you need help with Using Text Rich Boxes:

Make sure to click Update whenever a change is made.

3. Item Donation Report:  This will download an excel formatted spreadsheet with all Donated Items information.

4. Donated Items:  This section will show you all items that have been donated through the online form, from here you can choose to add them to the auction.

a. View: Click this button to see all info that has been entered into the intake form by your guest.  You can use this info to decide if you want to use this item in the Auction.

b. Add To Auction: Clicking this button will auto populate the Item Add fields with the information added by the guest.  In this page you are able to add to and edit what information was submitted. Click here for help with Adding Auction Items: Remember to click on Submit when you have finished editing the information. **If you are using Auction Tracker in conjunction with site, you will need to enter this information into Auction Tracker manually and then complete the transfer to the site.  Click here to see the Help Guide for Entering Items into Auction Tracker:

Guest experience with Online Donation Form:
Your guest will see the Online donation button on both the home page and the Ticket page (if using this feature) of your site.

Home Tab:

Ticket Page:
Once they click the button it will open the form for them to fill out.  On this form they will be able to enter all important information as well as photos or videos.

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