Deleting a Constituent

It is easy to delete an Constituent from the site, simply find their name in the All Constituent list and click on the trash can icon at the far right.  However there are a few things you must check before doing so:

  1. Does the Constituent have a RSVP/Ticket assigned to them?  If they do, you must remove the RSVP from the constituent before you can remove them.  To do this go into the constituent’s record and from the drop down choose “Select Reservation Level ''this will remove the RSVP from the constituent. If your Guest has a RSVP purchased by another constituent, you will need to go to the purchasers record, click on add additional reservations and click the “X” next to the guest you would like to remove.
  2. Has the Constituent been seated at a table?  If they have you will need to remove them from the table before they can be deleted.. To do this go into the constituent’s record and choose “Select Table” from the dropdown this will remove the table from the constituent.
  3. Does the Constituent have a balance due or an Overpayment? You can see if the guest has either of these by checking the Constituent’s statements.  You will want to check the Overpayment and the Balances Due list for both Event and Pre-Event Statements.  These overpayments and/or outstanding balances must be corrected before a constituent can be deleted.  

a. Outstanding balance you will need to remove any items that have been sold to the Constituent, making sure these were not items they truly purchased For help with removal:

b. Overpayment you will need to refund or delete any payment that has been applied to their record, making sure these payments do not truly belong to this constituent.

4. Has the Constituent Made any bids?

a. The system will not allow you to delete a Constituent that has any active bids, to remove this Constituent you would first need to remove or edit any bids made by them. 

Help Guide for removing/editing bids: or

Once you have made sure that none of these things are still in play you can delete your constituent by finding them on the All Constituent List and clicking on the trash can to the far right.

If when you try to delete this constituent the trash can is not visible or you get a popup warning like these, refer back to the list above:

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