Entering Winning Bids, Item sales or Donations

To Sell an Auction Item

Go to the Dashboard, Auction Items, Winning Bidders - Winning Bid Entry Tab

**This feature is not available on the Online Auction Only Platform.

When the Bid Entry page opens:

1. Enter Catalog #  of the item being sold. *Item info will populate in the box to the left, so confirm you have the correct item.

2. Enter the Bid Number of the winning bidder or use the Search Bid# by Name feature. *Guest info will populate in the box to the left, so confirm you have entered the correct number for the correct guest.

3. Enter the amount of the winning bid.

4. Confirm the information and click the submit button.

Once you have sold the item, the form will clear and be ready for you to enter additional winning bids.

Entering Item Sales: Go to the Dashboard, For Sale, Items Sold and choose the Item Sales Entry tab. Once on the Items Sales Entry page, you will enter purchases in the form at the top of the page. *** If this is a pre-event sale, click on "Enter Sale By Name" in blue at the bottom of the white square and do the sale in this popup.

  1. Select the item you are selling from the list of available items.
  2. Enter the Bid Number of the guest purchasing this item or use the Search Bid# by Name feature. The search-by-name feature will only show guests' assigned bid#. **Guest info will populate in the box to the left, so confirm you have entered the correct number for the correct guest.
  3. Enter the Quantity of the item you are selling. *This will auto-populate at 1.
  4. Use this section to record donations as pre-event donations.

Confirm the information and click the submit button.

Entering Donations: Go to Dashboard, Donations, Donations Pledged, and choose the Donation Entry tab, when the page opens:

1. Click on the amount of the donation, you can also click on the custom amount which will make the amount text box available in the form.  

2. Enter the Bid Number of the guest that made the donation or use the Search Bid# by Name feature - the search by name feature will only show guests' assigned bid#.  *Guest info will populate in the box to the left, so confirm you have entered the correct number for the correct guest.

3. Enter Donation by Name - will enter the donation as a pre-event donation making it show on pre-event statements..

When complete, click submit.

*****If you are trying to enter an offline donation (Challenge Grant, Donation Pledge), we have a helpful article HERE

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