Recording Offline Donations

You can enter donations made offline when using all platforms except Online Auction Platform, in 2 different ways.  One way is by adding each constituent individually (which will create correct receipting) or  two by creating a generic guest (i.e., Friends of MaxGiving) to add amounts for varied guests or do a bulk money drop. **If you are using our Online Auction Platform you are not able to record an Offline Donation.

Entering the individual guests:

Adding a Constituent: This way will not only add the total to the event thermometer and recognize the guest for their donation but it will also keep your records correct and allow for proper receipting.

First log in with the admin login, then:

1. Add the guest as a contact, there is no need to add a RSVP level.  Help guide to add a contact:

2. Then go and sell them the donation in the dashboard. You can use the "Enter Donation By Name" feature if you would like it to show as pre-event otherwise you will need to add a bid number to the guest record.   Help Guide for selling:  

  • You can edit how a person is recognized by going to Dashboard/Donations/Donations Pledged after you have sold the guest the donation and clicking on the pencil next to the donor's name. This will open the edit popup box for you to make edits. Choose the second option to adjust the way your guest is recognized. 

3. Once you have sold them their donation then go to Event Statements (or Pre-Event Statements if you sold it by name), find their statement, and apply the payment that was taken offline.  Help guide for applying payments:

Generic Guest

Using a Generic Guest:  Doing it this way will just add to the event total but not keep track of the correct money flow.  Remember, there would not be a statement for these donations and they would need to be removed before the finalizing of the event as they are just placeholders.

First log in with the admin login, then:

1. Add the Generic Guest as a contact, there is no need to add a RSVP level but you will need to add a bid number.   Help guide to add a contact:

2. Then go and sell the Generic Guest either small donations in the amounts offline guests have given or one large bulk donation to cover them all in the dashboard.   Help Guide for selling: .  

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