
There are two kinds of statements available on your MaxGiving site, Pre-Event and Event statements.  **In order to send statements from the site all Organization Information in the general setting must be complete, including a logo.  Note: These will include all required information to work as a tax compliant receipt.

A Custom Guest Statement Comment can be personalized under the Dashboard, Advanced Settings.

Types of Statements

Pre-Event Statements:  These statements are intended for anything paid for pre-event.  This includes Reservations (tickets) and Sponsorships purchased on your ticketing page or manually sold through the dashboard.  They will also include item sales or donations that were made on the ticketing page. **These statements are separate from contributions made at the event in regard to auction items, item sales or donations (online or in-person).

Event Statements:  These statements will include all auction Items, items purchased and donations made from the site (not ticketing page) as well as payments associated with those purchases. **These statements do not include RSVP levels, sponsorships or items/donations bought from the ticketing page or any payments associated with these items.

To view a guest’s Statement:

  1. Select "Pre-Event, Ticket & Sponsorship Statements" or "Event Statements," depending on what statement you are looking for from your dashboard menu under Statements & Payments.
  2. The first list will show all guest statements.  Search for their name in the list.  
  3. Click on the statement icon in the Statements & Payments column to view the statement.  Note:  the dashboard view is different online than the PDF statement that can be printed or emailed to supporters.

Tips and Tricks

  • You can easily move a payment from a pre-event to an event statement in All Payment Transaction History. (Article HERE)
  • You can sort by any column by typing in the blank box below the column headers OR selecting the item header to change the sort value. For example, if you select Last Name it will alphabetize the list by last name.
  • If the constituent you are viewing has a linked spouse or partner, you can jump from statement to another by selecting the hyperlinked spouse/partner name at the top of the statement

Pre-Event                                                                                           Event

To make a payment towards a statement:

  1. Click on the process payment button at bottom of the statement then select Enter Payment.
  2. Fill in the amount of the payment you would like to process in the Enter Payment Amount section.  You may choose to apply all of the outstanding balance or make a partial payment
  3. Complete payment method by selecting they payment method:
  • Credit Card
    • If Pre-Event Statements: You will need to enter the credit card information here.  This will do a one time charge, it will not save the credit card information for use during the event.  If you want to save this card to the account, you will need to do this in the Guests and registered bidders page.  Help Guide for adding Credit Card:  
    • If Event Statements: Any cards entered for the guest will be available to select for processing payment.
  • Cash: Enter the amount of cash tendered.
  • Check: If the payment is a check you must fill in a check number field
  • Other: This field can be used to track unusual types of payment, eg. PTO or Account credits.

8. Then click Pay Now to complete the transaction.

To email guest statements: 

You can do this from either pre-event Statements or Event Statements depending on the statement you want to send your guest.

There are 2 ways to send your guests there statements

  • Individually:  This will send only the selected guest their statement.
    • Choose the type of statement you want to send from the Dashboard (pre-event or event)
    • Find your guest in the all statements list.  
    • Click on the envelope icon on the far right in the Email/Print Statements column. 
    • In the popup you will have the ability to customize the email that is sent.
    • When ready click on send
  • All Guests at once:  This will send all supporters their statement, whether it has been paid or not.  We suggest you do this once all payments have been reconciled.
    • Choose the type of statement you want to send from the Dashboard (pre-event or event)
    • Click on the Email All Statements button on the top right hand side.
    • In the popup you will have the ability to customize the email that is sent.
    • When ready click on send
    • You will see a green flag appear once sent.

Downloading/Printing Statements: 

  • Bulk Printing All Statements:  You can download and print statements for either individual guests or all guests in bulk.
    • Choose the type of statement you want from the dashboard menu (pre-event or event)
    • Once in the All Statements page, click on the Download all Statements button in the top right corner.  
      • A pop up will open asking you what steps you would like to complete
        • 1. Generate Statements For: Choose what Statements you want to print
        • 2. Additional Information to Include on Statements: Choose the information want included on the statements.  For example, if printing receipts to deliver to the tables, you would want the Bidder # as well as the Table # to print on receipt
        • 3. Sort Order for Statements:  you can sort by Bid Number, Last Name, or Table #.  For example, if printing receipts to deliver to the tables, you would have them print sorted by Table#
      • When you click Print this will download a PDF file with all of your guests statements.
    • Open this file and print from the PDF

PDF Statement

  • Printing an Individual Event Statement:
    • Choose Event Statements from the dashboard menu
    •  Find your guest in the all statements list.  
    • Click on the printer icon  on the far right
    • Your printer popup will appear.  To print simply select your printer.  If you wish to save to your computer, select 'Save as PDF' and then it will allow you to choose the file name and folder to save it to on your local computer.

***If your are having difficulty emailing statement, please check that your Organizations Information is complete in the general settings, statements can not be emailed from the site if this info is not complete including a logo.

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