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All Payment Transaction History

The All Payment Transaction History report allows you to get a view of all payments approved and declined, as well as the processing fees assigned to a balance (Processing Fee Management). In addition, you can download reports to excel of all approved and failed payments, as well as remove the processing fees associated with a payment.

View Approved Payments

  1. From the dashboard menu, select All Payment Transactions History from the Statements & Payments section of the menu.
  2. Once selected, be sure All Payment Transaction History is underlined above the Last Name Column, to ensure you are on the correct page.
  3. To download the report, select Download Transaction Report and follow the on screen prompts.
  4. You may sort any column by selecting the column header which will adjust it high to low, or alphabetize depending on the column content. Selecting it twice will change the direction of the sort.

Move Payments from Pre-Event to Event Statements, or Vice Versa

  1. From the dashboard menu, select All Payment Transactions History from the Statements & Payments section of the menu.
  2. Once selected, be sure All Payment Transaction History is underlined above the Last Name Column, to ensure you are on the correct page.
  3. The column titled 'Applies to' is which statement type (Statements) the payment was applied to. To change that, simply select the Event or Pre-Event word on the row of the appropriate payment which will then open a new window titled Edit/Delete Payments.
  4. Select 'Move payment to apply to Pre-Event OR Event statement (Depends on where you are moving it) and select Submit Changes.
  5. Now when you view your statements, that payment will credit to the requested statement type.

Refund Transactions


View Failed Transactions

  1. From the dashboard menu, select All Payment Transactions History from the Statements & Payments section of the menu.
  2. Then select Failed Payments at the top of the page, to the right of All Payment Transaction History.
  3. To download the report, select Download Transaction Report and follow the on screen prompts.
  4. You may sort any column by selecting the column header which will adjust it high to low, or alphabetize depending on the column content. Selecting it twice will change the direction of the sort.
  5. We have a helpful article on how to handle Declined Transactions HERE

View/Remove Processing Fees

  1. From the dashboard menu, select All Payment Transactions History from the Statements & Payments section of the menu.
  2. Then select Processing Fees Paid at the top of the page, to the right of Failed Payments.
  3. To download the report, select Download Transaction Report and follow the on screen prompts.
  4. To remove a fee simply select Delete from the Action column of the corresponding fee.
  5. You will then be asked to confirm the selection with a window that says, 'Are you sure you want to remove the Processing Fee from this transaction?'
    1. Remove: If you choose to remove, then fee will be removed from the statement. NOTE, if the fee was already paid, you will need to refund this from Over Payments (Instructions HERE).
    2. Close: No changes will be made and you will be directed back to the Processing Fees Paid screen.

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