
The Dashboard has a lot of great information right at your fingertips. It can be a good tool to keep an eye on the overall health of your event.

To get to the  Dashboard, using your Admin Login, click on the Dashboard Button in the top right hand corner.

1 Dashboard Menu: On the left hand side of the dashboard page you will see the  Dashboard Menu.  You can access all the settings, pages and information from here.  You will also notice that at the top of the menu there is a small arrow that can be used to collapse the menu or to restore it.

2. Warnings:  In this section you will see warnings for things that should be looked at before your auction goes live. Clicking the blue portion of the warning it will take you to where the problem can be fixed.

3. Dashboard Analytics Box: This is where you can get a quick glance at your up to the minute event information. 

a. Current Fundraising Total: This is the amount your event has made up to this point.  This includes all leading/winning bids, buy it now purchases,  items purchased and donations that have been made.

b.   Reservation Revenue:  This will show you the amount of revenue you have so far from your Reservation/ticketing sales. **Only visible when using ticketing feature.

c.  Registered Bidders:  This is how many people have visited the site and completed the registration form. **To show here they do not have to have a credit card on file.

d.  Sponsorship Revenue: This will show you the amount of revenue you have so far from your sponsorship sales.

e.  Total Bids:  This is the number of bids that have been placed on all items in the auction.  This is a good gage of the site activity, if this number is not rising at an acceptable pace it lets you know that you may want to do more marketing of the event to draw more guests to the site.

f.  Ticketed Guests:  This shows the number of guests that hold a ticket for your event. (Checked-In) Will show the number of guests who have been checked in when using the check in feature.  To view how to process Guest Registration click Here: https://maxgiving.helpscoutdocs.com/article/58-guest-check-in

g.  Donation Totals Box: In this box you will see the total dollar amount that has been donated on the donation tab. You can also see how many different guests have given to this amount and how many guests have given at each level.

h.  Auction Total Box:  In this box you can see the total dollar amount the Auction has made this far, this includes all the leading/winning bids as well as any buy it now purchases.  You can also see that total broken down into each Auction Type.

i.  Item Sales Total Box:  In this box you will see the total dollar amount for your item sales.  You can also see this amount broken down into each item's sales.

j.  Total Auction Items Circle Graph:  This graph shows you the overall activity in your auction. In the middle of the circle you will see the total number of auction items you have available. The rim of the circle will show your auction activity in real time. On this rim the darkest color represents the items that have at least one active bid on them, the lighter color represents the sold auction items and the grayed out area is the items that have no bids placed on them.

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