Homepage & Custom Pages

Page Table                             Edit Pages                             Custom Pages

This is where you will Edit or create your site pages. To get here with your Admin Login - go to your Dashboard, Event Management then click on Homepage & Custom Pages.

1.  Page Table: In this section you will see all of the pages contained on your home page. 

a. Standard pages: These are the 2 pages your site home tab comes with.  

i.  HOME/ABOUT US: This is your main home page and the first page your guests will see. It offers you the chance to showcase your event, your organization, and recognize important contributors to your mission such as your sponsors.

ii. FAQ: You can use this page to give your guests and specific information they may need to know, things like shipping details or rules to a raffle. 

b. Custom Pages:  These are pages you have created. The button for your guests to access these pages will be on the right hand side of the home page above the donor recognition list.  Custom pages also come with their own unique URL, a link which you can share with your constituents via email or social media, to showcase specific campaigns or sponsors, or any  needs such as disclosure forms.  You can have as many of these pages as you like.

c. Published: Pages that have this box checked are able to be seen by your guests.  You can choose to hide the page by unchecking this box. **The about-us page can not be unpublished.

2. Add Custom Page: Under this header is the blank form for adding a page.  **Make sure this form is empty before starting to create a new page. If it is not it means the last changes have not been saved, if you wish to keep the changes make sure to click on the update button and the form will auto clear.

a. Will button be a Custom Page or Link to an external URL?: If you have a page you wish to link to enter the URL under Link to an external URL.

b. Button Label: This is the text that will show on the button, this button will link your guests to this custom page and will be available on the right hand side of the homepage above the donor recognition section.

c. Header/Title: This text will show on the top left of the page before the main text. 

d. Page Body: This is a rich text area where you can add text, upload images, and upload or embed video. **For more about using Rich Text Boxes Click Here: https://maxgiving.helpscoutdocs.com/article/42-using-the-rich-text-boxes

e. Page URL: Your custom page will have a unique URL that can be shared with your guest independent of the site.  To create this URL simply use the text box to complete the URL with your custom title.  

f. Publish Page: Checking this box will make your page viewable to your guests. You can leave this page hidden while working on it or until a certain date by leaving this box unchecked until you are ready.

**Remember to click the Click Save Button when done.

3.  Editing Existing Pages: You can personalize the 2 standard pages as well as make changes to any of the pages you have created by using the edit feature.

To edit a page, click the Edit Button next to the page you would like to make changes to.  You will find the edit Button to the far right of the table. **You can also delete pages from here, make note that once you delete a page you can not undo it. So we suggest rather than deleting a page simply unpublish it.

Once you click on the Edit Button:

a. You will see the form in the Edit Custom Page Section auto-populate with the info already saved for the page.

b.  Make any changes to the copy you would like in any of the text boxes in the form, then make sure you click the Update button at the bottom to save your changes.  **This is the same form used when creating a page so for step by step on the form look above.

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