Links Settings & Donation Levels

Donation Settings         Donation Levels         Specific Funds         Matching Gift

Visit the  Dashboard using your Admin Login.  Select the Settings & Donation levels page from the menu under Donations**On the Settings & Donation Levels page you can choose to hide the Donation Tab while you are working on it by Toggling on the Hide Donations Tab slide.  While you have the tab hidden you can use Preview Donation Page to see what your page will look like without opening it to your donors.  If you are using Auction Tracker in conjunction with your site you will want to add your levels to your Auction Tracker first and then send them over, here is a guide on how to do this: Sending Items From Auction Tracker to MaxGiving

You will notice there are 2 tabs to this page. 

1.  Setting & Donation Levels Tab

Donation Settings:

  1. Change DONATIONS tab to display: This will change the title of the donations tab on your Home/About Us page.
  2. Title: This will show at the top of your Donation page.
  3. Donation Appeal: This is where you will share you appeal or ask.  Include text, images or video to convey to your donors the need for this donation and how you will use the funds. This is a Text Rich Box, for help with Text Rich Boxes Click Here.  

**Remember to always click Save.

Donation Levels: Donation levels are your suggested Donation amounts. ** If you are using Auction Tracker in conjunction with your online site click here for instructions on adding Fund a Need Levels to your online site

  1. Donation level Name:  This name shows on the guest receipt.  It will also appear as the title for the donation level on the Virtual Live page if used.
  2. Amount: This is the dollar amount of this level.
  3. Donation Level List: This shows you all the levels you have entered. **From here you can Edit or delete any level you choose.  

**Remember to click Save.

Advanced Settings Tab:  On this tab you can use some of our optional advanced features.

Specify Fund Option For Donations: You can use this feature to set different options for your donors to choose to dedicate their donation towards.

  1. Name of fund or initiative: Enter names of fund options you would like to give your donors.
  2. Click the Save Button.
  3. In this area you will see a list of the Funds you have already entered and that are available to your donors. **You can Edit or delete any fund or initiative you choose in this section. 

Matching Gift:  You can use this feature to show your donors the progress being made toward a matching gift. It will not automatically add matching gift amounts to the event totals or the thermometer. Once the match is met, if you wish to post that donation, you can do so.  You may only have one matching gift in an event but you can edit the existing matching gift to add on more funds as they become available.

  1. Make this gift active: Switching on this toggle will make this matching gift active on the page.  Note that the dollars will start matching from $1, so this when this is visible does not affect when those dollars are calculated.
  2. Match Type:  Dollar for Dollar: This is a match that will match every dollar given up to a certain amount, one dollar at a time whether or not the max is hit.  
  3. Match Amount: Enter the amount of the matching gift.
  4. Match Description: Use this box to share with donors who is providing the matching gift and any necessary information concerning the match.

**Remember to click the save button.

Recurring Settings:  You can use this feature to allow your donors to set up a recurring donation.  If using this feature your merchant account must remain open.

  1. Allow Recurring Donations: Toggle this switch on to make this option available to your guests.

***Make sure to click the save button.

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