Managing Teams & Tee Sheets
- Setting up teams and assigning a captain:
To get the the Teams page visit Teams & Tee Sheet from the Golf section of your Admin Dashboard Menu. The list view will show Team Names, Captains, and Total Team Members. Underneath the Action section, the edit pencil will allow you to edit team details and the trashcan icon will allow you to delete the team. No members must be assigned to the team in order to delete. The View Team, eye icon, will let you view/add/remove team members.
- To add a new team: click the ADD NEW TEAM button in the top right. Once inside it will allow you to enter a team name and select a Team Captain from available Golfers. This list will only show you golfers that have not been previously assigned to a team.
To edit a team: click the pencil icon and the pop up will allow you to change the team name or change the captain. Note that once a team is created, it will only show you active team members to add as a new captain for the team.
Adding and removing additional golfers to a team
This can be completed a few different ways:
Visiting the list of teams and clicking on the eye icon to view and edit the team. Clicking on the X will remove the Golfer. For any open team spots, clicking on ADD GOLFER will bring up the list of golfers that are not assigned to teams for you to select from.
You can assign teams while in the view of Golfers using the drop down selection.
You can also assign a team when you are creating a new contact or editing an existing contact.
- Assigning teams to a hole using your Tee Sheet
Creating your tee-sheet is very simple. Any teams you have created will be populated in the UNASSIGNED TEAMS list. In order to add a team to an open spot, simply drag-and-drop the team into the desired spot. This will remove them from the Unassigned Teams list. If you would like to remove the team and move them, simple click the edit pencil in the HOLE # box and it will give you the option to delete a team from that hole by clicking an X. This will return the team to Unassigned Teams and you will be able to add them to a new hole. The Tee Sheet can be downloaded for quick access at your event, if needed.
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