Golfer Details

Golfers List

This view will look similar to your Guests & Bidders list, however, it will only include those who have Golf as part of their ticket level.

You will also notice it includes the relevant Golfer information along with the normal guest information:

  1. Last Name
  2. First Name
  3. Bid #
  4. Contact info (these will bold if complete)
    • Email
    • Phone
    • Address
  5. Starting Hole
  6. Cart Number
  7. Team
  8. Paid By
  9. Guest Status (these will bold if complete)
    • Ticket
    • Registered online
    • Check-in
    • Credit Card on File
    • Notes
  10. Edit  

This form is editable, just like guest & Bidders, you can add and edit guest info in the text boxes without having to enter the full record. **Remember, to save a change click out of the box you are editing this will auto save your information.


  • If you need to create labels for your golfers, you can download the Golfer list
  1. Go go Golf section of Platform
  2. Go to Golfers
  3. Choose Download Golfer List on the top right of screen
  4. Select Excel Golfer List to select data for Labels - even though you will not see Starting Hole, Cart Number nor Team as options to select, they will automatically default into the Excel spreadsheet for your use.
  5. Clicking Print will download the excel file for you to manipulate and use as your data source when creating your labels.

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