Adding a Guest/Selling a Ticket

On the all Platforms except Online Bidding Only Platform you have the ability to add guests and/or offline ticket sales to your site using your admin login.  

***This feature is not available for the Online Only Platform.

To add a new constituent to the site:

1. Click on All Supporters in the dashboard Menu under Manager Users.

2. Click on the Add Contact button to the right.

3. Clicking this button bring up the popup to choose where you want to get the guest info from. You can either choose to pull it from your database or add a new guest. If you choose to pull from database it will offer you a dropdown of the guests you have to choose from.

  1. If you choose add a new Contact this will open the Add Contact popup, you will want to complete as much information as possible on this form:
    1. Contact is: Choose whether this contact is an Individual or a Business by clicking the circle for the appropriate one.
    2. First Name: First name of the guest (Business name if this is a business)
    3. Last Name: Last name of the guest (Contact Name if this is a business)
    4. Mobile Phone: This is the number the system will use for correspondence.
    5. Email: Where you would like the system to send emails for this guest.
    6. Address: Fill in all info you know.
    7. Bid Number: If left blank and a ticket is assigned to the guest, the system will auto assign the next bid number available, if “automatically assign” bid numbers is selected in the General settings. ***Click here for more information on this
    8. Table Assignment:  Choose the table you would like your guest seated at from the drop down.
    9. RSVP Level: Pick from drop down, this list will show all the levels you have created in the Reservation & Sponsorship Levels page ( **Only reservation level will show in the drop down, you would need to go into sponsors to sell a sponsorship. Help Guide for selling Sponsorships: There will also these 3 generic RSVP levels available:
          1. Sponsor Guest: Guest paid for by a Sponsor as part of their sponsorship that included reservations
          2. Paid Guest: Guest paid for by another guest reservation included as a multi-ticket purchase, for example table of 10 or couples ticket **You may not necessarily want to assign Sponsor or Paid Guest to an individual guest, you would want to assign it under Additional Reservations for the actual purchaser of the guest. This is how tickets purchased online will automatically be recorded.
          3. Comp Guest: Guest given a free ticket from the organization
    10. Entrée Choice: You can choose what entrée for your guest from the drop down.  **Entrée choices can be added in the Ticket Setting page, click here for information on how to do this
    11. Click Save

Purchasing Additional Tickets: If this guest is purchasing additional tickets, you can do this under Additional Guest Reservations in the purchaser's record. 

To do this, make sure you are in the record for the Guest who is purchasing the additional tickets, then:

1. Click on Additional Guest Reservations

  1. Click on Purchase Additional Reservation Button

  2. Choose the quantity of reservations the guest is purchasing from the drop downs and click Next. **You can add multiple types of tickets at a time if you like.

  3. . Chose who will be using this ticket:
    1. Existing Constituents: This will allow you to choose the guest from a drop down of constituents already in the system
    2. Constituent Database: This will give you a dropdown of past guests.
    3. Guest TBD: This will create a Guest of “last name of purchaser” generic placeholder.
    4. Create New Constituent: This will allow you to create new guests to hold this ticket.

      e. Click Save

Applying a payment after the add:

  1. Click on pre-event, ticket & Sponsorship Statements
  2. Find your guest using either the all statements list or the Balances due list.  **Hint: You can type their name in the box under first or last to search for them.
  3. Click on the receipt icon next to their name **You can also email your guest an invoice for them to pay online by clicking the invoice icon.

  4. Click on the process payment button at bottom of the receipt

  5. Fill in the info for the payment
    1. Amount: This can be the full about or you can edit it to make a partial amount.
    2. Choose Payment Type:
      1. Credit Card: You will need to enter the Credit Card Information
      2. Cash
      3. Check: You will need to enter a check number to continue
      4. Other: You can use this for payments that are specific to your organization.
    3. If you choose Cash, Check or Other you will be able to now edit the Payment date to match the true date of the payment if needed.

    4. Then click Pay Now

**Helpful Hit:  You might then want to go back to the bidder list and send them the link to come to the site to finish registering to bid.  Here is how to do that:

Adding a Credit Card to the record:

1. Click on either All Supporters or Guests & Bidders from the dashboard menu.

  1. Find the guest in the list
  2. Click on the Edit Icon (pencil) to the far right.
  3. Once the edit screen opens, click on the Payment Methods tab at the top of the page.

  4. Click on either the Swipe Card or Manually Add Card button.   **You can also delete a card from here, however, the system will not let you delete a card if it is the only card on file.  You must keep one card on file at all times.

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