Setting Up Reservation/Ticket Levels

To setup your reservation/ticket levels, click on  Reservation & Sponsorship Levels in the Dashboard Menu.

Once on the  Reservation & Sponsorship Levels page you will see The 2 add buttons at the top of the page:

1. Add Reservation Button:  Click here to open up the Add Reservation Page

a. Name: Use the text box to enter the name of the ticket you would like to offer

b. Price: This is what you want to charge to purchase the ticket.  This is the total price you want to charge, whether the RSVP level includes 1 ticket or a table of 10 guest tickets.

c. Fair Market Value: Is the total monetary value of any perks they receive with the purchase of the ticket.  This will allow the purchaser to know the value they are getting for the reservation and will be displayed on statements for tax purposes.

d.  Quantity Available:  This is how many of this type of ticket you are offering.  If you have a limited quantity, this will stop sales and mark the level as sold out once reached.  If the number is unlimited, you must still enter a number, so enter one that is high enough that it would never be reached. You can always adjust these numbers up or down as needed.  Any tickets manually added to guests in the dashboard view of Guests, will also subtract from this quantity to help manage inventory.

e. Multiple Tickets Includes: You will select that if more than one ticket is included for the purchase.  For example, a table of 10, or a couple's ticket for 2.  Quantity Included: When the multiple tickets box is clicked this box will appear, for entry of the total number of tickets or guests that should be included. By doing this it will allow the capture of contact information for the entered number of guests at the time of ticket purchase.

1.  When this option is selected, you then have the option to select a check box titled, 'Auto Assign Table for Sponsorship guests'.  If selected, this will automatically create a table in the purchasers name and automatically assign all of their guests to that table.

f. Description:  This is a rich text box which you can use to let your guest know all that is offered with this ticket, using text or images. **Click here for the Text Rich Box help guide:

g.  Select entrees to offer for this reservation level:  Check the checkbox next to any Entrée choices available for this ticket level.  You can also add a new Entrée choice by clicking on the Add New entree option.

h. Select questions to ask for this reservation level: Select the questions if any that you would like to attach to this specific reservation level.  To add additional questions, see above, under Ticket Settings/ Guest Options.

i. Action Boxes: 

  • No Longer Available: Leaves the ticket level on the site, where the guest would normally choose their quantity will now say “ No Longer Available” thus not allowing them to be purchased.  
  • Hidden: Will hide the ticket choice from the page, but you will still be able to access it from the dashboard.
  • Allow waitlist when sold out: Select if you wish to have a waitlist activated when this is sold out.  Once sale capacity is reached - the ticketing page will show the level as sold out, but a button that says Join Waitlist will be available.
  • Require promo code to purchase: When clicking this it will open a text box to enter the code you would like to be used for this ticket purchase.  **This is great to be used for discount tickets or ticket only offered to a certain group eg. Board Members or Teachers. 
  • Limit Quanity per Purchase:  This controls how many tickets a purchaser can get.

***Remember to click save when done.

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