Creating an Anonymous Donation

Often times you will have a guest who will want to remain Anonymous when giving and of course you will want to honor their wishes, however you will also want to have a record of their giving. It will be tempting to create a "Fake" Guest named Anonymous to do this, but this is not the answer. Recording the gift this way will not allow you to give the true guest a statement of donation, thank them or have them in your data base as a donor. There is a way to have a correct record for the guest and have the donation remain anonymous while entering a donation in the dashboard. **If the guest is making the donation through the site (online) they will have the option to be recognized anonymously, you will not need to do this for them.

To have a donation show as Anonymous:

  1. First you will want to create a guest record for the purchaser using their correct information and name.
  2. You will then want to sell them the donation. You can do this either with a bid number if you want it to show under event or use their name for pre-event. Help guide for selling a donation:
  3. Once you have sold the guest the donation, you will want to mark it as Anonymous. To do this go to the Donations Pledged page, find the donation in the list and click on the edit pencil to the far right.

  1. In the edit popup select the button for "Change How Donor Is Recognized", then enter Anonymous in the text box. **You can also use this to make a donation in memory of someone or really any display name that is different then the purchaser.

  1. Once you have entered the name in the text box click the save button. This will make the donation display as Anonymous but still be recorded to the real purchaser.
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