
On the Sponsor Page you will be able to set how and who you will recognize on your MaxGiving Site as a sponsor.  

Don’t have sponsors?  No problem.  This section is completely customizable, so feel free to use this section to display images or other information if you choose.

In the Dashboard click on Sponsors in the dashboard menu under the Event Management section.

This page has two tabs the first tab is Sponsors the 2nd tab is Sponsor Display Options.

Sponsor Tab

1.  Add a Sponsor Button: Clicking this will open the Add a Sponsor Form.

Mobile/MSA/Golf Platform

Online Auction Only Platform:

a. Sponsor Purchaser (not shown on Online Auction Only Platform): This is who is buying/paying for the sponsorship. Choose from the dropdown of your constituents, or choose Add Contact.  **If adding a contact you will want to choose whether this is a business or individual and fill out the popup form with as much information as you can.

b. Display Sponsor As: Enter the name the purchaser would like to be recognized by.

c. Sponsor Level(not shown on Online Auction Only Platform):  Choose the level of sponsorship that is being purchased. ***You can also leave this blank if you are just recognizing your sponsors with a display and not needing to account for payment. For help with creating the Sponsor Levels click here: https://maxgiving.helpscoutdocs.com/article/80-ticketing-reservations-sponsorships

d. Logo Image:  This logo will appear on any of the pages that you select from the selections available in section "f".  Simply click on the Upload Button to upload the logo.  For help with Uploading Logos/Photos click here: https://maxgiving.helpscoutdocs.com/article/43-adding-photos-or-videos-to-your-site.

e. Sponsors’ Website URL: This will be used to make the Sponsors Logo a hyperlink to their website when clicked on. 

f. Display Sponsor: Check the box next to which pages you would like this donor to appear on.  You can have some show on certain pages or have them all show on all pages it is up to you.**You can also do this on theSponsor List, by checking the box for the page you want.

Once you have completed these steps you will want to Click the Save Button.

g. Save: Once you click on save, if the sponsorship level you selected has any seats associated to the purchase, you will see this dialog box pop up.  

**If making payments on the back end, after entering Sponsorship, go to Pre-Event Statements to process Payment.

Manage Sponsor Guests

If you have guests associated to the Sponsorship- you will need to follow the prompts for your guests:

  1. Select if you know all guests names, it will prompt you to enter them.
  2. Select if you wish to mark all guests as TBD - you can edit with the ones you know when done.
  3. Select if this Sponsor is not planning to send guests to attend.

**Repeat these steps for each sponsor you would like to recognize.

**If you need to delete a sponsor from the list, simply find the sponsor in the list and click on the edit pencil to the far right.  Once the edit screen opens us, remove the sponsor level from the record by clicking on "Select Sponsor Level" in the drop down.  Make sure to click save.  Once you have removed the level you will be able to find the sponsor in the list and click on the trash can to delete them.  This will not remove them from the Constituents list, it will just remove them from the sponsor list.  If you want to remove them completely click here for instructions on your next step:  https://maxgiving.helpscoutdocs.com/article/50-deleting-a-constituent

2. Sponsor List:  In this section, you will see the sponsors already entered into the platform.

a. Change Display Order:  You can move your Sponsors' position in the list up or down by dragging and dropping them to the position you would like them to show using the icon in the far left column.

b. Recognition Pages:  Use these boxes to note what pages you would like the sponsor to be recognized on.

c. Action Icons:

  • Edit Button (pencil): Click this button to access the edit page where you can make changes to an already existing sponsor.
  • Delete Button (trash can): Clicking this will delete the sponsor from the system.  You will be given a popup to confirm you want to complete the deletion. **Remember to delete a sponsor from the list, you must first remove their sponsor level. Use the edit pencil to the far right, once the edit screen opens us, remove the sponsor level from the record by clicking on "Select Sponsor Level" in the drop down.  Make sure to click save.  Once you have removed the level you will be able to find the sponsor in the list and click on the trash can to delete them.  This will not remove them from the Constituents list, it will just remove them from the sponsor list.  If you want to remove them completely click here for instructions on your next step:  https://maxgiving.helpscoutdocs.com/article/50-deleting-a-constituent

Mobile/MSA/Golf PlatformOnline Auction Only Platform:

Sponsor Display Options

1.  Sponsor Setup:  You can choose how you would like to recognize your donors on each page of the site.

a. Sponsor Message On Home Page: This message will show above your sponsor list on the right-hand side of your home page. 

b. Sponsor Message On Auction:  This message will show above your sponsor list on the right-hand side of your Auction page. 

c. Sponsor Message On Donation Presentation:   This message will show above your sponsor list at the bottom of your Donation Presentation page. 

d. Sponsor Message On Ticketing:   This message will show above your sponsor list on the right-hand side of your ticketing page. **This option is only available on sites using ticketing.

*** Remember to click the Save Button to submit the change.

2. Main Sponsor Detail: In this section, you will enter your Main sponsor’s info, this sponsor appears at the bottom of all the pages.  **You do not need to use this section if you do not have a main sponsor for your event.  Also, feel free to use this for the organization logo or anything else you would like!

e. Main Sponsor's Logo: This one logo will appear at the bottom of all pages. Simply click on the upload button to upload the logo. For help with Uploading Photos/Logos click here: https://maxgiving.helpscoutdocs.com/article/43-adding-photos-or-videos-to-your-site

f. Main Sponsor’s URL:  This will be used to make the Sponsor logo a hyperlink to their website.

g. Main Sponsor’s Title: This will be listed above the Sponsor’s logo at the bottom of each page.

*** Remember to click the Save Button to submit the change.

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