Adding a Sponsor

To add an offline sponsor with your  Admin Login click on the Dashboard button at the top right of your screen, then click on Sponsors under the Event Management section in the dashboard menu on the left hand side. 

Click on the Add a Sponsor Button: Clicking this will open the Add a Sponsor Form.

a. Sponsor Purchaser (Not on Online Only):  Who is buying the sponsorship.

b. Display Sponsor As: Enter the name the guest would like to be recognized with.

c. Sponsor Level (Not on Online Only):  Choose the level that the sponsor is purchasing. ***You can also leave this blank if you are just recognizing your sponsor s with a display and not needing to account for payment. For help with creating the Sponsor Levels click here:

d. Logo Image:  This logo will appear on the right hand side of your home page.  Simply click on the Upload Button to upload the logo.  For help with Uploading Logos/Photos click here.

e. Sponsors’ Website URL: This will be used to make the Sponsors Logo a hyperlink to their website when clicked on. 

f. Display Sponsor on: Check the box next to which pages you would like this donor to appear on.  You can have some show on certain pages or have them all show on all pages it is up to you.**You can also do this on the Sponsor List, by checking the box for the page you want.

g. View/Post Payment:  Clicking this button will take you to the guest statement, where you can view or post a payment (Mobile Bidding Platform only). ***For help with posting payments:

**Remember to click the  Save Button when you have completed all the fields for your sponsor. Once you do this you well see the sponsors added to the sponsors list at the bottom of the page.

**Repeat these steps for each sponsor you would like to recognize.

**If you need to delete a sponsor from the list, simply find the sponsor in the list and click on the edit pencil to the far right.  Once the edit screen opens us, remove the sponsor level from the record by clicking on "Select Sponsor Level" in the drop down.  Make sure to click save.  Once you have removed the level you will be able to find the sponsor in the list and click on the trash can to delete them.  This will not remove them from the Constituents list, it will just remove them from the sponsor list.  If you wan to remove them completely click here for instructions on your next step:

If the Sponsorship level includes tickets:

Once you click on Save, a popup will show, in this popup you can select how you would like to add the tickets:

1.  Yes, I will specify guests now: This will pull up the add additional guests page for you to enter the guest information. On this page you can either choose a guest from your constituent list, use a generic place holder or enter a new guest's information. You will be asked to do this for each guest ticket that comes with the purchase of this sponsorship. **You can use this choice if yo only know one or two of the guests as it still gives you the option to select TBD for the others.

2. Yes, Assign all guest TBD: This will make generic place holder for all tickets that come with the purchase of this sponsorship.  The guest will be called  Guest# (Last Name or business name of purchaser).

3. Do not add guest for Sponsor: This will skip the filling the tickets and just add the sponsor.  **Be carful using this as you do not want to forget guests that need to be seated.

***When adding a Sponsor as an admin, guests are not automatically seated at a table. This feature is only available to the Sponsor purchasing on the Ticketing Page.

Sending Guest Links to Sponsor

When you are ready you can send the guest links to the Sponsor so they can forward to their guests to capture their incomplete information and register for your event.

To do this:

1. Go to All Supporters in the dashboard

2. Find your guest/sponsor in the link and click on the edit pencil to the far right

3. Then click on the Additional Guest Reservations Tab 

4. Click on the Send Guest Login Links

5. In the popup select Preview & Send Links

6. In the pre-view screen make and changes you would like, do not remove the Guest links, then send the email.

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