Getting Started with your MaxGiving site

When you receive your email confirming your site is live, it can all be a bit overwhelming so we have come up with quick checklist to walk you through the steps of setting it all up. 

The first thing you will want to do is get into the Dashboard, you do this by following the instructions in the email for setting your owner password.

Setting up your MaxGiving site:  

Once you have logged into your site using an Owner/Admin login, it will take you to the dashboard

From the dashboard you will want to set up the basics of your event.

Click these links for info on setting up each section:

General Event Settings


Homepage & Custom Pages

Once you have set up your Basic event info you can move on to:

Ticket Settings (if you are using online Ticketing)

Settings & Donation Levels

Auction Items

Items For Sale

**Once you have completed these steps your site will be mostly set and ready to go. You can find all of the Articles above and more helpful in our overall help area:

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